O Teri is Hindi comedy film produced by Atul Agnihotri, featuring Pulkit Samrat, Bilal Amrohi, Sarah-Jane Dias,Sara Loren, and Mandira Bedi. The filmstars Pulkit Samrat and newcomer Bilal Amrohi as two journalists, who come across a big scam. The film is slated for release on 28 March 2014. Umesh Bhisht directed. The music is composed by GJ Singh, who also scored music for title track of Punjabi Movie R.S.V.P..
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O Teri online movie free here
- Pulkit Samrat as Prantabh Pratab/P.P.
- Bilal Amrohi as Anand Ishwaram Devdutt Subramanium/AIDS
- Sarah-Jane Dias
- Mandira Bedi
- Vijay Raaz
- Anupam Kher
- Sara Loren - Special Appearance In Song
- Salman Khan - Special Appearance In Song
- Lulia Vantur - Cameo
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O Teri online movie free here