Godzilla is an upcoming American science fiction monster film featuring the Japanese film monster of the same name in a reboot of the Godzilla film franchise. The film retells the origin of Godzilla in contemporary times as a "terrifying force of nature" in a style faithful to the Toho series of Godzilla films. The film is directed by British filmmaker Gareth Edwards, written by Max Borenstein and stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn and Sally Hawkins.
The film is a co-production[2] of Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures and will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures worldwide, except for Japan where it will be distributed by Toho. It is the second Godzilla film to be fully filmed[Note 1] by an American studio, the first having been the 1998 film of the same name. The film is scheduled to be released on May 16, 2014 in 2D and 3D.
Hollywood is serving up blockbuster spectacle in high doses this year, but no film looks as towering and monolithic as
The film looks to be the biggest thing hitting cinemas this year, and
we're not talking about the measurements of it's Kaiju namesake.
Godzilla seems like pure event filmmaking, simply massive in both scope and spectacle. But beyond the enormity of it all, director Gareth Edwards
seems keen on not just creating a film about a giant monsters wreaking
havoc, but about all the people being trampled out of existence.
If the latest extended look at the film is any indication,
looks to be a film about humanity. It's a film about pure, ragged, hard
fought survival. A film about a species fighting tooth and nail against
it's own extinction. The trailer has an overbearing sense of dread that
gives the film a more weighty feel than the other tentpole films
populating the crowded summer calendar, and the marketing thus far has
been very cautious to keep the focus on the people as well as the
monsters. In fact, the trailer winds on for a dramatic minute and a half
before even showing a glimpse of Godzilla. Instead were treated to a
campaign that's focused mainly on the human drama.
The trailer opens with an accident at a nuclear plant. We see Sandra Brody (Juliette Binoche)
investigating a problem at the plant before a breach occurs and sends a
team of scientists running for their lives. Sandra’s husband, Joe (Bryan Cranston)
is forced to close a containment door that stops the toxic threat and
his wife from reaching the outside world. We see husband and wife
staring though a glass window one last time before they’re separated for
good. Next we see Brody explaining to his son (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) that he did everything he could to save her.
Beyond the giant Kaiju rampaging through a city, This trailer is
about a husband losing his wife, a father begging forgiveness from his
son, and people struggling to understand a terror that's looming in the
ocean deep. Any film can dazzle with whiz bang special effects, CGI
spectacle is cheap commodity these days. It's wildly abundant. It’s
story and emotional resonance that seems in short supply, and
looks to have those in spades. These are real feelings being delivered
by actors giving the material its due respect, and really letting us
understand the terror that they are facing.
Godzilla isn't a movie that will cause you to doze off into
your nachos until the next booming set piece flickers on screen. There's
something special happening here. The trailer dives into spectacle in
the last few seconds, but the actual story and people seem more than
just fodder to progress the plot between the action. It looks like we
might actually care about the people in this film, and they actually
seem just as interesting as the monsters themselves. Let's hope the film
delivers on all this promise. It has already delivered on the monster
designs, because the updated Godzilla looks all kinds of awesome.
Godzilla - Official Watch online